Source code for nmb.NetBIOSProtocol

import os, logging, random, socket, time
from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
from twisted.internet.protocol import DatagramProtocol
from .base import NBNS

[docs] class NetBIOSTimeout(Exception): """Raised in NBNSProtocol via Deferred.errback method when queryName method has timeout waiting for reply""" pass
[docs] class NBNSProtocol(DatagramProtocol, NBNS): log = logging.getLogger('NMB.NBNSProtocol')
[docs] def __init__(self, broadcast = True, listen_port = 0): """ Instantiate a NBNSProtocol instance. This automatically calls reactor.listenUDP method to start listening for incoming packets, so you **must not** call the listenUDP method again. :param boolean broadcast: A boolean flag to indicate if we should setup the listening UDP port in broadcast mode :param integer listen_port: Specifies the UDP port number to bind to for listening. If zero, OS will automatically select a free port number. """ self.broadcast = broadcast self.pending_trns = { } # TRN ID -> ( expiry_time, name, Deferred instance ) self.transport = reactor.listenUDP(listen_port, self) if self.broadcast: self.transport.getHandle().setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) reactor.callLater(1, self.cleanupPendingTrns)
[docs] def datagramReceived(self, data, from_info): host, port = from_info trn_id, ret = self.decodePacket(data) # pending transaction exists for trn_id - handle it and remove from queue if trn_id in self.pending_trns: _, ip, d = self.pending_trns.pop(trn_id) if ip is NAME_QUERY: # decode as query packet trn_id, ret = self.decodeIPQueryPacket(data) d.callback(ret)
def write(self, data, ip, port): # We don't use the transport.write method directly as it keeps raising DeprecationWarning for ip='<broadcast>' self.transport.getHandle().sendto(data, ( ip, port ))
[docs] def queryName(self, name, ip = '', port = 137, timeout = 30): """ Send a query on the network and hopes that if machine matching the *name* will reply with its IP address. :param string ip: If the NBNSProtocol instance was instianted with broadcast=True, then this parameter can be an empty string. We will leave it to the OS to determine an appropriate broadcast address. If the NBNSProtocol instance was instianted with broadcast=False, then you should provide a target IP to send the query. :param integer port: The NetBIOS-NS port (IANA standard defines this port to be 137). You should not touch this parameter unless you know what you are doing. :param integer/float timeout: Number of seconds to wait for a reply, after which the returned Deferred instance will be called with a NetBIOSTimeout exception. :return: A *twisted.internet.defer.Deferred* instance. The callback function will be called with a list of IP addresses in dotted notation (aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd). On timeout, the errback function will be called with a Failure instance wrapping around a NetBIOSTimeout exception """ trn_id = random.randint(1, 0xFFFF) while True: if trn_id not in self.pending_trns: break else: trn_id = (trn_id + 1) & 0xFFFF data = self.prepareNameQuery(trn_id, name) if self.broadcast and not ip: ip = '<broadcast>' elif not ip: self.log.warning('queryName: ip parameter is empty. OS might not transmit this query to the network') self.write(data, ip, port) d = defer.Deferred() self.pending_trns[trn_id] = ( time.time()+timeout, name, d ) return d
[docs] def queryIPForName(self, ip, port = 137, timeout = 30): """ Send a query to the machine with *ip* and hopes that the machine will reply back with its name. The implementation of this function is contributed by Jason Anderson. :param string ip: If the NBNSProtocol instance was instianted with broadcast=True, then this parameter can be an empty string. We will leave it to the OS to determine an appropriate broadcast address. If the NBNSProtocol instance was instianted with broadcast=False, then you should provide a target IP to send the query. :param integer port: The NetBIOS-NS port (IANA standard defines this port to be 137). You should not touch this parameter unless you know what you are doing. :param integer/float timeout: Number of seconds to wait for a reply, after which the method will return None :return: A *twisted.internet.defer.Deferred* instance. The callback function will be called with a list of names of the machine at *ip*. On timeout, the errback function will be called with a Failure instance wrapping around a NetBIOSTimeout exception """ trn_id = random.randint(1, 0xFFFF) while True: if trn_id not in self.pending_trns: break else: trn_id = (trn_id + 1) & 0xFFFF data = self.prepareNetNameQuery(trn_id) self.write(data, ip, port) d = defer.Deferred() d2 = defer.Deferred() d2.addErrback(d.errback) def stripCode(ret): if ret is not None: # got valid response. Somehow the callback is also called when there is an error. d.callback(map(lambda s: s[0], filter(lambda s: s[1] == TYPE_SERVER, ret))) d2.addCallback(stripCode) self.pending_trns[trn_id] = ( time.time()+timeout, NAME_QUERY, d2 ) return d
[docs] def stopProtocol(self): DatagramProtocol.stopProtocol(self)
def cleanupPendingTrns(self): now = time.time() # reply should have been received in the past # info is tuple of ( expiry_time, name, d ) expired = filter(lambda trn_id, info: info[0] < now, self.pending_trns.iteritems()) # remove expired items from dict + call errback def expire_item(item): trn_id, (expiry_time, name, d) = item del self.pending_trns[trn_id] try: d.errback(NetBIOSTimeout(name)) except: pass map(expire_item, expired) if self.transport: reactor.callLater(1, self.cleanupPendingTrns)